The Reitlinger Frescos |
In 2016, frescos painted by Sr Joanna Reitlinger for the Fellowship of SS Alban and Sergius in Ladbroke Grove, completed in 1947, began to be transferred to the Orthodox Christian parish of St Anne in Northampton.
This section of the website documents images and scholarship relating to those frescos, and her wider work and relationships to notable people like Fr Alexander Men, Fr Sergei Bulgakov and the Fellowship of Ss Alban and Sergius. (left, a photograph of the frescos in situ in Ladbroke Grove, London)
Close-ups of some of the frescos, May 2016
The frescos arriving at St Anne's Orthodox Church, Northampton in Feb/Mar 2016
A lecture by Fr Andrew Louth about Fr Sergei Bulgakov, spiritual director to Sr Joanna Reitlinger